Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Next New Thing

I think in the future there will definitely be an innovation that makes the web more collaborate with a smaller cost to all, more access to apps without paying for everything, and increased ability to be creative. I think there will be more apps that do not require a payment, and more ways to combine devices/programs. For example, we used to have to carry an iPod for music and a cellphone to communicate with others, now we have our music on our phones through iTunes. In a few years, we will most likely have another combination of devices.                 I think a new device that should be created that does not already exist is a device that has a phone, ipod, and keys to your house/car inside of it, not physical keys, but a way to open your car door and drive and get into your home without carrying so many things. For me, if I go on a run, its annoying to hold onto my phone for music and my keys in my other hand, its too much to carry. Keys are pretty much the only thing that do not have an app, so I think this would be useful to many. It would be great to go to the store and carry one item, rather than a something in every finger like  we sometimes tend to do. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosalie :) virtual keys sound so useful and would probably make the world a better and easier place.
