Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wiki so far

Unfortunately, I have not yet contributed to our class wiki. However, I did some research and know what I plan on contributing. I want to discuss the importance and impact of new media in the fitness industry, because it has impacted most of us greatly weather we know it or not. Also, I want to discuss the impact that new media has on the news. Personally, I never really watch the news because it is time consuming, but I know what goes on because of the media. During my commute, I scroll around Instagram, and sometimes Facebook, and see the different current events. For me, Instagram has a greater impact because it is easier to follow, more private, and simpler, so I enjoy it over Facebook. For example, I found out about the events in Paris because somebody posted a photo of it on Instagram, and after that many other people did the same, with the same hashtag.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately the news is very scary to watch these days, so I don't blame you for not watching!!
