Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Privacy and Confidentiality

The internet is the farthest place from private. On Facebook,Instagram, and Twitter there are settings to make yourself appear "private" to people that are not your friend or follower. How private can this actually be? Once something is on the internet, it is there forever. People show their friends, screenshot it, plus, anything and everything is searchable. There is a very little privacy on social media. The Washington Post article discusses that 300,000 personal records were leaked from the University of Maryland when the system was hacked. Students and previous students social security numbers, grades, and personal records were all released, which is huge. As we all know, a social security number is everything in itself. Things happen at any given time, no matter how much they are protected, they are never truly safe. The only way information can be kept private is to keep it off the internet and any social media sites.

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