Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog About Twitter

Twitter and Blackboard are similar in the way that they encourage people to post their opinions and views. Twitter has a character limit of 140, which does not allow that much room for opinion and detail. Blackboard however, makes it a lot easier to open up the discussions with the unlimited amount of characters. Twitter is very useful with the hashtags, that allow you to look up what you are interested in by category or word. It is a simple way to find similar interests with others. Blackboard is great, but it is very in-depth and might be very wordy depending on what people wish to express.
In-Class-Discussions allows students to feed off of eachothers opinions and get a better sense of their perspectives. However, they might be time sensitive, and some people might not like to share out loud to the class. Twitter and Blackboard allow you to think of your thoughts prior, write what you have to say, read it, and then post it for people to see.
All in all, Twitter, Blackboard, and In-Class Discussions are great ways of communicating. Twitter is the most up and coming, Blackboard is more educational, and In-Class Discussions should be regulated, or may become far off topic/run out of time.

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