Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Facebook is clearly very popular, whether we like it or not. Personally, I get tired of it, I like it because it keeps me updated with things, but I dislike it because the "Facebook World" is not everything. It is great that its probably the best way to keep in touch with former friends, collegues, or just people that you do not see everyday but still care about.
Twitter, is more of an instant site. It is mainly for updating current statuses and following others, to see what they are thinking or up to. It is great for clicking on hashtags and finding your interests on the web.
Linked-In is becoming more and more popular. It is vital in order to get a job in the business world for some companies. It is a way to post your job experience, personal interests, and mainly build your network. Building a network is vital in order to get a job. It is great to be able to connect with others from the same company, industry, field, college, etc.
Pinterest is another great site, a little different than the 3 listed above. It is more for hobbies and interests. It has everything on there from recipies, healthy eating tips, fashion, home decor ideas, workout tips, etc. It can be very addicting for people, once they get into "pinnning" ideas, it is hard to stop. The way it works is you "pin" something that you find interesting or wish to keep as a reference. I got into Pintrest a little while ago when I wanted to redecorate my room. It was extremely helpful and got great ideas from it. It can be time consuming since it is so hard to stop.

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