Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog: Social Net'g

Social Networking can be used in a positive way. In the corporate world, it can be very beneficial to use sites like Linked-In, where it helps form connections with people, which is what the corporate world is all about. It widens peoples networks tremendously, and may even help people get jobs. As seen in the NPR article, "Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting", Linkedin is a good way to see more about someone. However, there is a dark side to social networking. Sometimes it may display too much content that not everybody is meant to see. Sites like Facebook and Twitter should be a little more discrete to the public eye, because once something is on the internet, it is there forever. I do not believe that it is all bad, but I just know that it is very important to be careful about what is posted. It can help if used in the proper way, but with caution. In the article, "Is Myspace good for society? A freakonomics Quorum", it explains that even though we are networking to "friends" that we dont even know, it is a way to keep smaller ties with people and serve as learning tools, because they have information that we would not read about in the news. 

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